Friday, July 13, 2012


Since leaving Africa (June 29 '12) I've been chilling with my moms' side of the family. It's been so long since I've seen them; I can just simply say "Its good to be back."

Thanks to my aunt and grand-parents "Mami et Papi" I was able to take a 5 day intense crash course in wheel throwing since that's one of my classes this coming fall. I wanted to walk in knowing a little. It was hard work but so completely worth it. Having one on one teaching beats all especially with this type of thing. I have perfected the art of centering the clay and making it stable enough to work with (step 1)

Tomorrow, my aunt and I will have some aunt-to-niece bonding at a crafts workshop in town. I'm pretty excited we have a lot in common.

Soon (Sunday I believe) I will be going to Spain for two nights and three days. That is the greatest thing about where my family lives, we are about 3 hours from the border so it makes voyaging rather pleasant. I'll tell all about it!

Needless to say, I'm getting ready (mentally) to go back home, July 24th or 27th...I don't remember. Going to college is something I'm so excited for. I signed the lease to my apt with my three other roommates and I'm so thrilled I'm going to be living with such a cool group of people. So as much as I want vacation to never end, I can't wait to start my life and do what I'm actually good at rather then trying to score a 100 in math. I'm hoping to be able to really learn how to express myself in the coming few years.

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