Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blackout in the Countryside

So at 3AM today (Wednesday 25, 2012) there was a blackout in the town that I'm in. I noticed because my room was really quiet when I usually have the fan on and going WHooooooooooooo. The first scary part was trying to turn on the light without success.

When there is no light here- black is the fact that you can't even see the movement of your hand in front of your face.

I got lucky though. My aunt had to go pick up my younger cousin (15) from a birthday party in a neighboring town. So she was awake and told me to sit tight- it wasn't just us, it was the whole town- and the electricity would be back on in a few. I followed her outside towards the car to catch some air; contrary to inside the house where it was so dark due to the shutters, outside was pretty light out. You'd never guess why.

Look up.

I saw the night sky uninterrupted by street lights, or by clouds. Coming from the city, the chance to see the night sky is null-impossible.

I went back to my bedroom, opened the shutters, wrapped myself in my chouka (my beautiful fabric from tanzania) and looked at the sky.

It was fabulous.

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