Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A Trip of a Life Time at the Tender Age of 18

Not many will be likely to see these posts that will arise in the next few given weeks, but considering the vast majority of the world I will be visiting it would be ludicrous not to share my tales.

First off, a bit about me for you (the occassional viewer). I am 18 years old from Brooklyn, NY. Not too shabby. Delt with the elementary school bullying, middle school awkwardness and high school eating disorder. At 18 a lot of things aren't perfect but seeing as this is an opportunity that will never arise again.. I sure as hell wont miss it.

My grandfather has dreamed of Africa for as long as he can remember. Started saving up since he's been the womb. Went all over the world with his wife but Africa never happened. The dream came and went. A few years back my sister became an African Studies major. AHA! Brilliant timing. So a plan began to form.

My sister now living in Kenya since January for her final semester, gave my grandfather a good standing. Not to get into the crazy planning process. This is the Itinerary.

We leave June 18th, 2012 for Tanzania. We are staying one day in Amsterday (a pit stop).We will stay in Tanzania for 10 days traveling to 4 different locations observing the wildlife and culture.
On the 29th, my grand-father and I will split ways with my sister who will return back to Kenya and into the arms of her ALL PRECIOUS ONE (corey). To then eventually go back to the States. We will re board the plan and off to France we go! I haven't seen my mothers mother in nearly 2 years. I can't wait to re bond with my roots. Once in France I will say goodbye to my grand-father after a good ole four days and begin my artist summer- taking pottery wheel throwing classes and working under a local artist name Michelle.

A trip to Barcelona might be had, since we're so close to the border. Gaudi will definitely be something to see..

If you're interested in seeing the world but ...well can't do not fret! I will do my absolute best to entertain you about my travels.

Stay Tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Celina,
    I just wanted to write you and tell you I think you're amazing. We've never met, but I was doing some research on something we have in common and I came across you vlogs on youtube. You're videos have helped me take some major steps in my life with my skin issues. I noticed you hadn't posted in awhile so (not to sound psycho but...) I looked you up on facebook to see if you had anything there. Well, I found your page (amazing pieces of art btw). I also found your blog. I'm on blogspot myself ( I haven't posted in quite some time, but there are a few there. I have a ton I need to post, just need to sit and actually do it. But I just wanted to tell you that you seem hella cool and pretty damn strong for a woman your age. I'm gonna subscribe and hope to hear more about your travel adventures (something we have in common) and your art work (I also have a love of art). Keep doing great things and feel free to drop me a line sometime. Good luck to you kid.

